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Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003 - 7:09 pm

Okay....first of all....I have nothing to do with your "social club" and I want nothing to do with it. So this godforsaken diary if you want to....but keep your fucking comments to yourself. I NEED THIS FUCKING DIARY TO KEEP MYSELF SANE.....AND YOU CAN FUCK OFF IF YOU THINK YOU'RE GONNA FUCK IT UP. I don't want anything to do with any of just stay away and leave me alone.

And now for used to get pissed at me for reading your diary....and I have no problem with you reading mine. HOWEVER, when I have a problem with something that you've assumed about me or how I feel, I tell you to your face. Don't be a fucking coward. We've always been able to talk our shit out before....and if you start doing this.....we won't be able to anymore. Hostility builds in forced silences.....and sharp tongues grow even sharper. If you want to be a part of this "Social club," fine. I just told you how I felt about it....and you know how I feel about it. Whether or not I rage about it in here is of no concern to you. This is MY diary and I will talk about things that bother me.....and this is something that bothers me.

I have so much more to say.....but this is bullshit and I'm too pissed off to type about it anymore.



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