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Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003 - 5:43 pm

So I thought about some things today, and realized how truly lucky I am to have his love.

He is so wonderful to me. I mean, seriously wonderful. He does my dishes, helps with laundry, helps with bills, helps with housework and helps me stay sane. In these days of doubting myself and everything I am capable of, he has become a cornerstone. He reassures me and listens to me whine when no one else wants to. He shares my frustrations and offers suggestions. He starts my day with a smile and starts my night with sweetly planted kisses.

And did I mention that he spends money on me?? God knows I'm not cheap....but he pays and pays.

I've lost my train of thought.....and Gump....I'm not mad at you. That last entry had nothing to do with you. *hugs for the gumphood*

I love you Roger Lee.



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